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Welcome to Season 3 and Episode 100

Welcome to Season 3 and Episode 100

What better way to introduce Season Three of the Renewable Confidence Podcast than to do it on my 100th episode? Tune in now to hear what to expect as the season unfolds.

Thanks for Setting Me Straight

Thanks for Setting Me Straight

It is SO good to have a friend tell you when something isn’t working. Here is how one listener helped me see the light.

Kicking Off My Affiliate Program

Kicking Off My Affiliate Program

Having a solid referral program is one of the cornerstones of the Signature Program. Tune in to see how I am building my own referral program.

How Much Does Your Mood Affect Your Productivity?

How Much Does Your Mood Affect Your Productivity?

Understanding the relationship between your mood and your productivity is crucial. This episode helps explain what you can do to understand this key aspect of your entrepreneurial success.